Fire emblem radiant dawn discipline
Fire emblem radiant dawn discipline

They will have similar mobility when Mist promotes, though Mist does not fly. It also gives her a +1 attack boost that improves her already good offense.

fire emblem radiant dawn discipline

Mist has a water affinity which gives Jill +3 defense at A support, which is extremely useful for Jill but not as useful for Mist since she is a healer. Jill has a thunder affinity, which gives a defense and avoid boost, both useful for her survival. It is not recommended to teach her Stun with an Occult as stunning enemy units is rarely useful. Savior is an invaluable skill on her if she is to regularly face combat while ferrying units like Ike. Adept and Guard have decent activation rates thanks to her good skill. Jill has no base skills, but as a flier, she is flexible to work with most skills.

fire emblem radiant dawn discipline fire emblem radiant dawn discipline

Her defense and resistance growths are about average since she has a decent defense base and bad resistance base, she will continue to be physically bulky enough but weak to magic, especially wind. It is recommended to prioritize using axes, though lances are still useful because she'll have a higher lance rank and are better against sword-users. This is complemented by her promotion, which lets her use axes while she starts with E rank axes, she can still use Hand and Steel axes immediately. Jill has decent growths across strength, skill, and speed, so she will quickly grow into a strong offensive unit. It is recommended to give Jill some levels of BEXP immediately, since she has excellent long-term payoff thanks to her class and growths. She uses lances, giving her 1-2 range combat, and can immediately use Steel Lances. As a wyvern knight, she has high movement, can fly and has Canto, which are all immensely useful immediately and through the entire game, especially over the next few chapters which have water and desert. In her join chapter, she is doubled by the raven laguz and loses 2 points of speed from the Steel Lance she starts with, but she also has a laguzguard equipped, so she is bulky enough to contribute immediately. She has decent base strength, skill, and defense, and mediocre base speed. Jill is the first wyvern knight and second flier to join the party. This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience. Leaves party if she speaks to Shiharam in Chapter 20 without an A support with Mist on Normal, Hard, or Maniac mode, and cannot be re-recruited. Recruitment: Chapter 12, let her talk to Ike. If she does not have an A support with Mist, she will become an unrecruitable enemy unit. In Chapter 20, Jill can speak to Shiharam. Haar warns her that she will eventually have to face her father Shiharam before long, then leaves. In a base conversation in Chapter 19, Haar sneaks his way into the camp and questions Jill about whether she really wants to fight her countrymen. Once she talks to Ike, he confuses her by refusing her aid due to her bigotry, resulting in her reluctantly joining the army to learn more about the laguz. She finds them in Chapter 12, but they are being attacked by Kilvas pirates, and her deeply ingrained bigotry against the laguz causes her to fight on Ike's side. Jill disobeys his orders and follows the Greil Mercenaries, intending to kill them for glory. After the battle, if she was left alive, she wishes to pursue the Greil Mercenaries, but is warned against it by Haar.

fire emblem radiant dawn discipline

Jill first appears as an enemy in Chapter 11, and she is tasked with observing the outcome of the battle. She originally joined them to help destroy the "sub-humans", but ended up staying with them throughout the war. She joins the Greil Mercenaries whilst they are aboard Nasir's ship and fighting the raven laguz as she had followed the troop from land. In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, she returns to Daein to help rebuild her struggling country. She joins the army during the Mad King's War, but ends up fighting for the other side. Jill Fizzart (pronounced: /⁠dʒɪl fɪˈzɑɹt⁠/ Japanese: ジル・フィザット Jill Fizzart) is a Wyvern Rider from Talrega, the daughter of Daein general Shiharam. He lied to build me into a heartless warrior, a soldier worthy of Daein. I wish I'd known the truth from the start. Why did you lie to me, Father? I've had to endure so much pain. She has now returned to Daein to fight for its liberation. During the Mad King's War, she started to doubt Daein's cause and eventually sided with Crimea. Please help improve the page by adding information.Ī dracoknight and former Daein soldier.

Fire emblem radiant dawn discipline